Sequence Length: 2:20
Audio Source: Blue Christmas - Seymour Swine and the Squeelers
Audio Notes: I didn't like the quality of the recorded song and found a better version on YouTube so I used that one instead. Audio has been provided as part of the sequence, as a courtesy. You must purchase the audio using the link above to legally use it. Please don't disrespect the artists (I mean, come on, throw this guy a bone!) by acting like you can't afford to spend $.99 on this song.
Porky Pig singing Blue Christmas. Need I say more? đ
Singing Face Note: The files for the Porky Pig singing face are included in the zip file (in the _lost folder) but xLights very likely won't automatically create the singing face on your matrix. You'll need to create a new face, then point it at the files extracted from the zip file. For help with this part, check out this video (you can skip to 7:55) - xLights - Creating Singing Face Animations (