This is a 5 pixel stick. The pixels are hidden behind a diffuser so you get a nice glow instead of a sharply defined pixel line. This is the stick used to model the pixel stick toppers on our site and fits perfectly with them. I prefer to mount the stick susing these garden stakes but additional mount options are included in the download.
Use the Cube model in xLights with the settings shown in the picture. Just adjust the Width attribute for the number of pixels sticks you're using.
No special print settings should be required but here's what we use:
The pixel stick was originally designed by Chuck Ackerman and is available here, where you can download the full suite of files. The included pixel stick STL is a slightly modified design to shorten it, and also includes a modification to the pixel holes so the pixels 'snap in' better. Note that the holes on the topper's mounting tab will likely not line up properly with the holes on Chuck's original designs so you may have to drill the mounting tab out to allow the pixel to go through it, if you use Chuck's original design.